Ana Leite
Project Manager at InvestPorto | Porto | Portugal
My first action as the mayor of my city is…to create a tax that discourages motor vehicles from entering the city center, to reduce carbon emissions and noise; and, on the other hand, to increase the well-being of citizens who live and work in the city. Use the proceeds of these fees to reduce social inequalities and avoid social segregation. For example, create specific training projects for homeless people, in order to enable them to exercise dignified professions, such as: maintaining public spaces, gardens, cleaning up degraded historical heritage, tourist guides, among others. Develop new ways of covering buildings, especially public ones, turning them into green spaces, in order to mitigate the effects of climate change, specifically the increase in temperature. Overall, I would like to see the city more intergenerational, placing young people living in ageing areas and vice versa, facilitating contact and learning between generations.